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Summer 2021

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Updates from the American Academy of Pediatrics: Provisional Section of Urgent Care Medicine

By Thuylinh Pham MD FAAP

2020 has been a year full of challenges for pediatric urgent care across the country, ranging from the COVID pandemic to socioeconomic instability to social inequity. During this last year, urgent care pediatricians have risen to meet these challenges. We have had to quickly adjust to the changes in COVID testing, PPE, telehealth visits, and now COVID vaccination distributions. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has supported pediatricians and families during these quickly changing times.

The Provisional Section of Urgent Care Medicine (PSOUCM) has also changed and grown within the last year. Membership growth has been steady with over 600 members across the country. We were able to review several AAP policy statements, including AAP’s interim guidance on PPE use for the ambulatory setting during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. We held our first AAP National Conference and Exhibition (NCE) Spotlight presentation, where over 500 attendees listened to our panel of experts discuss the latest articles in acute care medicine. 2021 has also brought the largest outpatient coding changes in decades. PSOUCM has provided members with AAP resources on the latest E/M updates.

As the world begins to settle into a new normal, PSOUCM looks forward to continuing to support urgent care pediatricians. We are excited to announce our first half day programing at AAP NCE 2021 this October in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. If you are attending AAP NCE this fall, please join us!

If you are interested in joining the AAP PSOUCM or would like more information, please contact Teri Salus at [email protected].


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